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Medical Checkup


A thorough medical checkup package that includes detailed assessments and diagnostic tests to ensure the overall health and well-being of individuals.

Package Services Included:


• Medical History Taking:

- Comprehensive review of medical history and lifestyle factors.

• General Physical Examination:

- Head-to-toe physical assessment by a qualified medical practitioner.

• Specialized Examinations:

- Eye checkup by an optometrist. - Dental checkup by a dentist.

• Laboratory Tests:

- Urinalysis for urinary tract infections (UTIs). - HCG test for pregnancy in females. - Widal test for typhoid fever. - Malaria rapid diagnostic test for Plasmodium falciparum. - Additional relevant laboratory and sonographic investigations based on clinical assessment.

• Health Report:

- Detailed health report with findings and recommendations. - Follow-up consultations as needed and medical report keeping.

Price Justification:

• Professional fees for medical practitioners and specialists. • Laboratory and diagnostic test costs. • Administrative and record-keeping expenses. • Follow-up consultation services.